Jul 11, 2021 | Matt Shaylor
Be Fruitful
-"For us to ever feel FULFILLED in our life – we need to get to a place, where we are living, and producing something that matters and impacts other people."
-"Because we, like this plant, were created with SOMETHING WITHIN US, that was DOWNLOADED in us, to produce something that will benefit others around us."
"-That’s the two choices. Either be attached to the VINE and bear MUCH fruit. Or be on your own, and DO NOTHING"
"The only way, your life can bear good fruit, and FRUIT THAT LASTS – is when you and I are attached to the right source."
Series Information
What if the meaning of our life isn't how we grow and what we accomplish for ourselves, but instead about what God grows and accomplishes through us? He has called us to be fruitful...